Drinking Local is…

More than likely, your local store has endless rows of foreign wine and a small section labeled Local. What makes the Local section special? Why should you purchase a bottle from a smaller named winery when you can buy a recognized brand like Kendall Jackson or Robert Mondavi?

As a novice wine connoisseur, it is intimidating to purchase a bottle from an unknown winery. My wine adventure began with a bottle of Velvet Red from St. James Winery. Through one glass, the wine transported me to St. James, Missouri where I could experience the history of the Hofherr family. One sip, that was it, I was hooked on drinking local.

Drinking local is story telling

At local wineries you learn the stories of not only who created the winery but why. Every bottle of wine allows you to listen and find inspiration from the vitner’s passion. It can teach you that Jim and Pat Hofherr of St. James Winery created their business to drink and share wines with their friends. Stories share the good times but also the struggles. The story of Stone Hill Winery, tells that Michael Poeschel turned to mushroom production in the historic cellars for 45 years during Prohibition. Through the local wineries, you have the chance to share your story. Every time you open a bottle, you reminisce on the first time you discovered the wine and the experiences gained visiting the winery.

Historic Lutheran Evangelical Church built by German Immigrants. Used at Pirtle Winery as a tasting room and indoor wine garden. Source: Pirtle Winery

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